Why You Should Ask 200 Questions A Day

Burhanuddin Kapasi
4 min readSep 15, 2020

Don’t be shy, always ask them questions!

“Umm, excuse me sir, would you mind some toast?”

Yes I know, 200 questions may seem like an exaggeration for some. But actually, studies show that 4 year old children ask about 300–400 questions per day. Now I know none of you all aren’t 4–year-olds. But we all know that kids are super curious and they are bound to ask questions because they don’t know. They are continuously learning by asking questions or by making mistakes or by being told.

Where as for adults like us, we tend to stop asking questions because we aren’t ‘kid-curious’ enough.

But hey, it’s important to keep asking and keep learning. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions, right? That’s how we learn and grow. Whether it’s via Google Search, our mother, our superior at work, our teachers, our friends or even ourselves.

We’ve got to ask questions in order to fill our blanks. We’ve got to support each other. Give and take, you know?

We’ve all heard people say something like…

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions”,

“Ask me if you’re stuck”,

“I’d rather ask a dumb question, instead of sitting on it and figuring it out on your own”,

“Just shoot me a DM if there’s anything”

“Let me know if there are any questions”

Saying this may also come off as a formality, but sometimes, it’s necessary for you to hear that, so you’re comfortable in asking THAT question.

No seriously, always ask any question. Even if it’s the stupid, embarrassing or weird. It’s the only way you will know, it’s the only way you will grow.

Photo by Gary Butterfield on Unsplash

Everywhere I’ve worked professionally, I’ve always been told one thing. To keep asking questions.

Here’s what I learnt by asking the right and the wrong questions —

Before you ask your questions… it’s mature to understand the problem at hand, before you burden someone else with it. Try solving it on your own beforehand, so when you ask the question, the person you’re asking will not think that you didn’t put any effort in trying. You might already know the answer too.

Think before you ask anything…you don’t want to ask a dumb question or the wrong question to the wrong person. You must understand the chain of superiority when you ask any question. And remember, whatever the answer, whether it solves your query or no, you must ask again if you don’t understand. It’s alright, no one’s going to shoot you (unless you’re insane).

Just ask and you shall receive...whether it’s asking for a favor, a salary raise, more hours, weird abbreviations meanings, software doubts or even asking for more an extension for your project. It takes courage to ask, but remember, you shall receive something in return, even if it’s nothing.

If someone blames you for asking a bad question… suck it up and learn from it so you ask better questions. But don’t stop asking, just be curious by asking questions. Also, don’t go chasing the person till you’ve not got your answer. For all you know you might get fired for annoyance the next day.

Asking makes you seem like you give a damn.

Like you’ve already tried to understand the matter on your own and you’re ready to learn from someone else.

Asking helps keep your ego at bay.

Asking questions is your ladder for growth…the more you ask the more you know. The more you know, the more your job gets easier and the less you struggle, the more you grow.

People won’t forget you if you ask the…good, the right, the weird and the most questions. They will remember you for your curiousness, your attention, your thinking patterns and you’re learning capacity.

But why though? Because you’re asking the questions.

The Main Takeaway

Just ask and you shall receive, even if it’s 200 asks.

If you don’t know something, just ask away. You will slowly notice that your life and work will be much easier.

Here’s a question for you: Liked this article? Share your experiences or thoughts in the comments! I’d love to hear what you have to say. Ask me anything!

Thank you for reading!



Burhanuddin Kapasi

I observe and write about all sorts of stuff. Life adventures, self improvement, healthy being, consumer gadgets and digital advertising and technology