A Pair of Crocs Saved My Life…

Burhanuddin Kapasi
4 min readJun 18, 2020


and now, I can’t live without them anymore!

Me and my first pair of Crocs

In 2002, an American brand stirred up ‘casual footwear’ by making a ‘rubber-sandal-like-shoes’. And who knew 5 years later, it would shake its way and become a global fashion franchise… and also the most hated shoe on the planet!

Nevertheless, it gained much popularity in the United States and served more than just a ‘boating shoe’ for most people. As time went by, the hype carried Crocs onto Indian shores in about 2006 and its clogs were ready to thrive among other rubber footwear in the Indian market. In other words chappals.

Surprisingly, it did well in sales the beginning and grew popular among people who saw in its potential, who could afford it or thought it looked cool. And those who didn’t, assumed, complained and ranted about how obnoxiously ridiculous it looked. They’d always say something like this…

“Why would you wear something like that?”

“OMG, What are you wearing?”

“You really need another pair of slippers”

Most Crocs owners know that feel.

But you’re right. Why would anyone buy an expensive rubber sandal that looks ugly? Doesn’t make sense right.

It didn’t make sense to me either.

But anyways, I threw all the remaining sense I had and was ready to ‘invest’ in a pair of original Crocs. That too in green.

“What a weirdo…”

Call me whatever you want, but for five years straight, I wore these bad boys everywhere I went. From city tarmac, to sandy beaches, to rocky mountains and over 30000ft high in the sky. Little Globetrotters I call them.

They’re compatible, reliable and durable!

How Crocs saved my life in Mumbai

A few years ago when I’d just bought my Crocs, a rickshaws wheel went over my foot. I instantly lifted my foot and Croc tore apart from one side and was proper damaged. Luckily, it was thick enough to save my foot. I thought I’d almost broke my foot. I then took it to a cobbler to stitch it up that instant. Now the stitching gives the Croc a little bespoke vibe.

Well, it didn’t save my life technically, but it saved my foot!

Spot the stitches on the soul and heel arch. (The clobber did a fine job)

Later in 2018, I bought my second pair of Crocs and hung my old pair to rest. It’s been 2 years since and I’ve got no problems with them.

“My favourite ‘feature’ about the Crocs? The 4 wheel drive”

Meme found on the internet

15 reasons why Crocs are awesome

  1. Incredibly light and fun to wear
  2. Can be worn on any surface (except ice)
  3. Great arch support
  4. The inner and outer shelled rubber is grippy and not slippy
  5. Can be worn in weather conditions
  6. Easy to wash and quick to dry
  7. Doesn’t smell after a sweaty day
  8. Easy to wear and take off
  9. The holes allow air to flow over and below your feet
  10. Travel friendly
  11. House friendly (bathroom, kitchen and indoors)
  12. Meant for adventures, soft sports and hangouts
  13. You can wear it with socks (it’s awesome in the winter)
  14. Protects your toes/feet like a shell
  15. Durable.
Another meme found on the internet

Now nothing is perfect, right? So here are the bad things…

  1. The fake ones aren’t half as good as the OG ones
  2. Gets sweaty inside in humid/hot conditions
  3. Small rocks/dirt get inside once in a while
  4. Slips in ice
  5. Can develop scabs, redness if worn TOO much
  6. Your friends will hate it
  7. Not meant for long distances (although I’ve trekked with it)
  8. Typically, Crocs turn off women
  9. Some people think it’s obnoxiously ridiculous
Rains are incomplete without Crocs

So yes, those are my reasons why I love Crocs. And honestly, I’m always going to own a pair of clogs and I feel everyone should look at them with an open mind and not just some pair of uglyness.

“Only once you wear it, you’ll know why they exist.”

Thank you for reading!

If you’re a fellow Crocs wearer too, I’d apprecite a Hi5 or a follow!

Here’s a question for you

What’s your favourite feature of the Crocs?

  • Drop your answer in the comment section below I’d love to know what you think!



Burhanuddin Kapasi

I observe and write about all sorts of stuff. Life adventures, self improvement, healthy being, consumer gadgets and digital advertising and technology